This is a trailer for the film I made in 2013. It premiered at the Netherlands Film Festival. And it was shown at The Eye - Film museum in Amsterdam.

Do you believe in love after love... - a trailer for a short film from mudrocutim on Vimeo.

Waterballet is an album cover for an artist and musician Kamiel Rongen. His latest video is here.
Some campaign suggestions for a Dubai Shopping Mall Christmas… Concept, Illustration and Design: Jo!

Work in progress..

Permanent installation for the Eye Lounge
in the Eye - Film museum in Amsterdam .

The Installation consists of a green - screen space, two monitors and a camera.
The monitor 1 allows the user to choose the film he want's to be embeded into.
The film starts and the user gets the instruction about the positions he should get to.
The footage he makes is realtime keyed out and embedded into the animated picture.

Production: Kees Buning
Sound design: Detlef Villerius
Art Direction / Animation: Jovana Tokic

EYE -installation VIDEOS from mudrocutim on Vimeo.

Stronganic is a brand of healthy foods that covers a line of products made of Aronia fruit. 
Save&Saclony created the brand identity along side with the full range of package design. Website in construction -

Zapis (The Inscription) is a theater show directed by Nikola Zavisic.

Here is one of the scenes where the projection has been used.
Design, the animation and video mapping by Jovana Tokic

Actress: Jelena Ćuruvija
Costume design: Suna Kažić
- logo and identity
- the box for Whisper out loud project

Some new stuff coming soon...

Pascha is an upcoming brand of dark organic chocolate in USA.
This design won the 1st price for logo and the 2nd price for package design in the open competition created by Pascha company.

The Big Brand Book of B92In the year 2012 I did a complete book of standards for the Serbian most trusted informative network (TV and Here is the sample from the book of 112 pages.


Compressor is a showroom for selling exclusive, designer’s furniture. 

The concept for the opening night of the store was “The Impossible Object”.

The space covers1800m2 and the building has only partier and it extends down the full length of a small narrow street.

It has 2 symmetric entrances on the same side; on the beginning and the end of the street.

Considering its very unusual placement the idea was to create the signage that can be readable only from 2 angles as you enter the street.

3d model by Milan Tomic (Tomax)


Poster For a Theater Play
Scenario was based on Serbian folk poems.
 “More” is a common byword used in these poems but it also means “nightmares”.
Roots are here because of the “historical roots” of the text.